*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

:tup: to speaking for sherm :bloated:

And if i wanted a lengthy dissertation on his life i wouldve watched a midget shit in a bucket

Ok ok, back on topic guys…

This is a MIGHTY MEET THREAD…not Rip on Sherm thread.

You wouldn’t want this place to turn into UBRF now would you?

Didn’t think so…

I’m not speaking for Justin. He is a big boy now.

Just saying.

Thanks though. :slight_smile:

PS_ Thats a funny joke. Midgets, they are pretty funny. You’re really on top of things. :tup:

lol importmuscle ugh its not even worth my time to pick on you.

Anyone showing up tonite? I’m “supposed” to meet Sureshot007 there and deliver some tires he bought from me. Should be up there about 9:00pm…altho he hasn’t replied to my PM, i’ll still be there. Somebody else better show, don’t wanna sit up there alone w/o a radio in my car…it gets boring.


if no one else shows, ill stop up and keep You company.

Sureshot is a good guy, helped me out ~a month ago.

Cool…I’m rockin the booger Neon.

wait, your neon is one of the booger green neons? Those were hot!

I must sex it.

Friday, Sept 22. Anyone going?

I’ll go if other people are gonna be there

i will not be able to attend in my cara

How do you blow up a Moser?

Yep, its Nitro Yellow-Green. Its a rare but favorite color amongst neon owners…

…As for sexing it…well, maybe. LOL

who blew-up a moser? turbols1?


I may be up there tonight

RAIN by 8:00PM :rant:

:banghead: well i guess all we can do it hope that they’re wrong like they usually are…but its not lookin too good :frowning:

rain… shit


