*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

rrsti i will be out tonight as its the last nights my rear brakes will be rubbing because of stupid stripped bolts. what time are you showing up? get a lil cruise going and more boost for me …yay

How about 8:30 or so ? Since i have to work at 0 dark 30 sun morn.

that works

Anyone else?

ill show up after gymnastics if that goes down…ill make sure redssna goes to that bastard

I might go up. Ill be in the winter pig thou

howdy ppl. been while ppl. so when’s the next meet

we had a big meet today with some ppl. you missed it ppl. Maybe tomorrow night ppl?

tonight should be good let me know i would love to get out in weather like this

damn school i wish i was home

It’s absolutely gorgeous out. I may have to stop by today.

intercooler comes wednesday… i will be out breaking in the clutch wed night :tup:

Beautiful Night, anyone down for a cruise??

No car. Clutch went poof. Cruise out to get me? :stuck_out_tongue:

you have the best luck with cars LOL BUY MINE

I’ll give you the value of a 3 cyl Geo…cause thats all it is

but it does run… kinda!

oh mine always ran on 4 cylinders…it just has a hard time putting the power to the wheels.

I feel so left out.

if all goes well, i WILL be out 2nite, the car will finally be fucking DONE… time to break in the clutch