Sr black top turbo or ka turbo

its worse than a pipe dream… 1st of all japan is in kilometers like us, now please tell me how many front clips have you seen with 25-60,000 ks on them wake up man... 2nd when you look at those motors,thats if you even you know what to look for, only a handful look like they geniunely have very low ks on them… i love SR`S man i got nothing against them, but i give credit only where credit is due, this is my opinion:

If your looking to do a swap and be content with t25 or stock t28 kiddy power, do an SR swap… if you want to build a nice revving circuit/time attack track car do a SR swap.

If you want big man power and a street killer do a KA-t… if you want a drag monster do a ka-t very simple…

Drift machine both ka/sr but i would chose my turbo wisely for the ka just because i wont rev bounce a ka motor, or any motor for that matter. if you make enough torque you shouldnt have to rev bounce ur motor/too much