*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****





i may be able to make it.



im in, when is everyone goin?

in around 9 everyone meets up.

Bah this or an evening on R6… so hard to decide. If its still nice out, I may.

in despite i got 5 jobs tomorrow :frowning:

me and scanz along with bigtymer and my buddy matty might stop up around 930 ish


ryan u know u love mighty

do itt

and sounds like it actaully might be a decent turnout

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:1531,topic:10918"”]

ryan u know u love mighty

do itt

and sounds like it actaully might be a decent turnout


I know I do love Mighty, however I am in summer mode. Aka no more wintery fatty food. Rar but they are so good.

What time is everyone going out?


hey skunk i saw u the other day drivin by ECC north did u see me?


lol…yep…i saw ya :slight_smile:

and i was in…now im out.

my tire is shot

Leaving now.

hell of a turnout tonight, tons of people and rides! should be a great summer :smiley:

ps. we love camaro’s and cougars :wink:


hell of a turnout tonight, tons of people and rides! should be a great summer :smiley:

ps. we love camaro’s and cougars :wink:


It turned out that the Cougar was actually an Escort. lol


It turned out that the Cougar was actually an Escort. lol


hahahahaha, even better :slight_smile:


hell of a turnout tonight, tons of people and rides! should be a great summer :smiley:

ps. we love camaro’s and cougars :wink:


i just have to say for the record HOLY FUCK your car is loud

^^wait until you hear it at WOT…that was about ~1/4-1/2 pedal up to 3200rpm or so…