*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

es possible

working till 11… maybe ill swing up then who knows…

it’s beautiful outside… anyone heading up there this afternoon/evening?

I may come. Depends how far I get with the engine re-assembly.

tonight sounds good…

once i get outta work ill wash the evo up for the first time in about 6 months, if im not to tired i might be out that way

o you wont be tired


If I can find some car wash soap, maybe I’ll be out…

Anyone want to come wash the goat for me ? lol


I put my R/T on the road today but I won’t be bringing it. Its too scary driving with a shot wheel bearing. Plus I dont want to go above 2500-3000 rpms right now, which makes it impossible to drive on zee highway.
But I might still show up




hey skunk i saw u the other day drivin by ECC north did u see me?

so is anyone going?

may stop up. not really sure… could always go for some mighty

IN, for sure.




Im in…im sure pshpinx is in too…

i may be down…


i may be down…


u better be…