OFFICIAL New (Now OLD) Shift518 Decals!!

I don’t buy in sheets, I buy in a roll.

well could i buy like two small sheets that you cut from the roll?
we really needed to be that technical huh?:lol


also, Cossey will u be out this week someday? Id like to give u some monies for my stickers.

Hey man, I like to be precise. You know about how much area you need?

It’s possible. Seriously, for everyone’s sake. It might be easier to just PayPal me the money ($6.50 after shipping + PP fees), and I could send them out whenever. Take a day to get there, but they’re pretty much guaranteed. It’s hard for me to meet up a lot now-a-days.

i will measure it tomorrow and report back. thanks:thumbup

Can I grab one white, and one in red? I will be using paypal. Sending now.

Paypal 6.50/pair to:

^Add to first post?^

Dropped it in the mailbox yesterday so it should get to you today or tomorrow!

Also: I will be available to meet up with people at the lot tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 8:30pm. Post here if you can meet me there so I know how much to bring of what color!!!

I can meet up wday with you …

I would like 2 pink and 2 white


If you have the big one done I can meet up wensday night also

Sounds good.

You wanted white, right?


I still need 2 pink one’s

story of my life

Then you should prolly meet up tomorrow at 8:30 at the lot. Otherwise, the best thing would be to PayPal me the money and I’ll ship them to you.

will this apply for me too? I want a red and a white. We havent gotten a chance to meet up yet…:banghead

Yes! I still have the envelope w/ the stickers in them in one of my folders for school lol. I need to get your number though, I was just gonna PM you to see if you wanted to meet up at school tomorrow, but forgot when you’re free.

when tomorrow 8:30 am or pm?

830 AM

Dont lie joey i dont trust you.