*Official NFL Championship Games Thread*

brady also has a 12" wang. all the more reason to hate him


Rock on!

Best fucking game I’ve seen in a few years since the Titans brought it to 1 yard vs. the Rams in the Bowl.

Were you, like, really like that?!? LIKE OH MY GAWD!

The flood damage is still absurd down there. Go make a joke minus extreme douchebaggery.

so far this has worked out much better than the previous 15 years or so. take that sports gods

I’ll give it to the Saint’s turning a 3-13 team into running up in the NFC championship is damn impressive to me…

:thumbs up to saints for that:

Looking forward the Feb 4th… cept I gotta try to get off of work, forgot I had a new shift.

shutup dude

a year past an event = no need for sensitivity

I am now enjoying checking out the players wives while this dude accepts that trophy :tup:

But anywho, now the question is who’s throwing a huge Super Bowl Party and am I invited :slight_smile:

meh, I still hear buffalonians who won’t shut the fuck up about the no goal in '99 :smiley:

Had nothing to do with the team and everyone wanted you to feel good about the saints being there for that reason.



sniff :frowning: Thanks for bringing it up.

i can handle the ‘no goal’ complaining.

it’s the ‘forward lateral’ thing from the bills - titans game years ago that’s annoying to hear on occasion :bloated: :tup:


That’s the whole reason I wanted them to lose. I didn’t want to hear eleventy billion flood stories during the superbowl. Superbowl = Football, not Katrina replays.

Belechick looks like a sad bum that coulden’t get extra bread in the soup line.

lol, i’ve actually forgotten about that because it was the last time the Bill’s had made it to the playoffs.

belacheks interview was hilarious. go cry white boy!

Music City Miracle baby!!!

<-----HUGE Titans fan :slight_smile: ok I’ll stop there before I get banned haha

Man… I would have paid for that welling up eye to actually drop a tear, but he blinked it back. Bastard.

aaaaaaand rewind! poooor baby!!!