Official NFL PLAYOFFS Thread

-Success breeds hate, bein the #1 fan base in the league year after year aint easy…but the Steelers make as easy as it could possibly be…
-prove it, he dates supermodels but would rape an ugly ass bitch from a hotel, or another tramp who was with him all night, from dinner to leaving the club?..changing your mind later isnt rape. (not sayin hes innocent for sure, but its more likely than the other options from these broke ass sluts tryin to get some loot)
-Rodgers is hot right now for sure, but Ben is proven (time and again)…gonna hurt big if Pouncey aint back in there though…

Gonna be a good one either way, should be one of the most exciting superbowls in recent years.

I want Green Bay to win but I certainly don’t hate Pittsburgh, or any team, really. I may dislike individual players due to their actions off the field, but that’s a totally different story.

May the best team win, and in my opinion that team will be Green Bay. Hopefully in an exciting fashion.

Pittsburgh sucks. Go Packers. End of story

PS. Big ben is going to get raped in the super bowl. karmas a bitch!

You sir, are predictable. No wonder the Pitt portion of the board has almost died.

^Now there’s a reasonable person. Regardless of what happens, I’ll still be getting up and going to work the next day like any other day. And if Green Bay wins, I have them in our random pool at work, so it’s like a consolation prize where you really wanted to win the car but got the Rice-a-Roni instead. :slight_smile:

I was actually talking to a friend of mine the other night. I hate that I have to root against Palamalu. He’s my favorite defensemen in the league!!