Official NHL playoffs thread

im curious to see how calgary turns things around at home…

ottowas goal was trash. and chris neil looks like quasimoto, fuck him, big ugly dumbass.

calgary got into a ton of penalty trouble and never really got into any rhythm after that…i’m with sean i’m curious how they will come out at home, all season long they were terrible on the road and amazing at home.

oh and 2-1 series lead for the canucks :slight_smile:


oh and 2-1 series lead for the canucks :slight_smile:


pfft, aint no thing…i picked dallas in 7 :stuck_out_tongue:

HOWEVER, my playoff bracketing is about to get FUCKED once anaheim kills off minnesota…i did NOT see that coming at all…

a little off topic but if anyone wants to see neil get his punk ass beat heres a nice vid i found.


pfft, aint no thing…i picked dallas in 7 :stuck_out_tongue:


Nucks…in 5. :headbang: …then all the way to Buffalo.

Edit: I know it will be Detroit, but I hate them.

skrapper > sean lol


skrapper > sean lol


lol, you’re just mad b/c you know im right :stuck_out_tongue:

nope, i’m just sad that your a doubter :stuck_out_tongue:

WOW @ NYRangers

3-1 series lead for the canucks :tup:

^^^ :tup:

YAY!! my picks are spot on soo far!!!

I really though Anaheim was gonna sweep minnesota, good win by minnesota…


^^^ :tup:


lol, now you’re a canucks fan too? or you just picking your next team to support already?


lol, now you’re a canucks fan too? or you just picking your next team to support already?


no im a fan of addictedtoboost because just like me, he isnt a Sabres fan and he got hung on the cross just like i did for making mention of any thing not pro-Sabre.

u didnt get hung on the cross, you just made retard posts/points and argued only for the sake of arguing.

when did jay get hung on the cross? i rip on jay b/c its fun…shit i even text him when dallas scores lol…in actuality jay attacked me first for picking dallas to win the series…

the difference is that jay IS a sabres fan and is absolutely nothing like you…“soooo you’re dumb”

:lol: its true, he does actually text me when they score!

jackass haha

pitt is out:cry:

Flames pull one off @ home to even things up. :tup: