that would be sweet, i would be able to help plan it if you need any help.
yay for Jet Stream… such a good group of guys…
GTA Meet, interesting. Any venue picked out yet?
Vid is almost done… it’s just going to take hours and hours to render and review then render again… I HOPE it will be up tonight.
BTW, it’s 30 minutes long.
i have more pics that i just got from my cousin… to the pic thread with me
WOOO Cant wait for this VID!!!
cant wait to see it
I hope more pics are posted too, seems so few, I saw many cameras~
but, hope to see the vid tonight.
Vid is uploading now… my FTP says 3 hours though :evil:
So… look for it in about 3 hours or so.
I just took a sneak peek at the first 4 minutes of video that is uploaded so far and let me say that you all need to start getting extremely excited right now. The video looks incredible
i’m thinking we will put this video (31.35 minutes long btw) and the WOTW episode on one DVD and sell them shits…
maybe by the time that happens there will be more video worth posting…
i wasnt sure if 06 was going to beat 05 but it looks like it will and its only june…lol
still got F1 / Indy / + more
The suspense is killin me i wanna see this so bad…
Bing i think u got a great idea with the DVD.
Who was playing their music very loud at Bings parkling lot? Someone was playing Break It Off by sean paul… couldn’t recall which car.