i’ll be there. naked.
Josh, your site won’t let me update my info.
Can you give me any more details than that? Is it giving you an error code or is it just not working.
What browser are you using, and do you have javascript enabled?
I think I might be down for this, so far things look good though.
Umm…I’m not too comp. savy, I don’t know. I tried it both at home/wprk, no dice…
Are you using a Mac Joe?
Well then I’m definitely in!
No Josh, no MAC here. This is the message I keep getting:
Error 5: Error writing User Data to table User where data not valid- PLEASE REPORT THIS PROBLEM IN OUR FORUMS!
Either way Josh, count me in, not like you don’t already have my #, or been to my house anyways, haha.
I’m In…registering now…
hmmm… Well, i know that the entry verification code was pretty weak, and that error is telling me exactly where the program is breaking down. I will look at it later when I am at a different computer that can see the server side.
Without knowing the whole details, I could see the error as you have some weird character / > : ; = + * & % $ in one of the fields that you are trying to insert, that or somehoe it isn’t hooking you to your username properly. I can just about rule out the second option since you have to be logged in the the forum to register, and the table user is a vbulletin table that we modify to contain your details. I think that IT would give you Error 4 if you were not connecting to your exact row in the table. All that said, I would highly believe that it is a special character that is causing the exception, and I unfortunately have no code that strips those characters at this point. If you are using anything other than A-Z, 0-9, @, -, . That is likely the issue.
are girls allowed? lol
No we are aiming to have a 100% sausage fest.
OF COURSE GIRLS ARE ALLOWED. Anyone that doesn’t own a mustang with a tiger on the side is allowed.
Id think so :roflpicard:
I’m bringing the Tank. I have to check out everyone’s rides. and the marauder is no where near being roadworthy. i’m looking forward to it!
ahahaha word
Error 5: Error writing User Data to table User where data not valid- PLEASE REPORT THIS PROBLEM IN OUR FORUMS!
im using safari and I dont think it worked…
i think.