«OFFICIAL» NYSpeed Spring Letchworth GTG; Sunday May 19th 2013

As this gets closer, it keeps seeming like more and more fun. I look forward to getting out and meeting a bunch of you fellas. Let’s cross fingers for some good weather!

Even if the weather is spotty we’ll still have a shelter :tup:

I better be able to bring the Miata to this…I’m going to be so pissed if I can’t.

I added myself finally. The civic isn’t done but I’ll drive the accord out. Nothing fancy

sounds like me last year. I was so mad I wouldn’t even go in someone else’s car.

Is there any sort of OG non d-bag cruise to this happening? PM me the deets

Once we meet up with the Rochester guys we might try and break off into smaller groups and leave in set intervals to keep from bunching up. No d-bags allowed, lol.

Don’t you worry I’ll be leading the socially reclusive hate parade.

:tup: I want to be seen with that sassy red mtree

If you are anywhere behind it you will regret that decision within 5 min…It sounds like the whole of Natzi Germany gathering together to make " the worlds most annoying sound" in unison, in order to drive others who are less aryan out of its way!

I dont plan on being behind it…2jz mo fo!

that sounds like a challenge to me.

This is going to end in an extremely violent crash I don’t mind.

Worth it

---------- Post added at 03:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 PM ----------

Yes…of the worst kind!

Its better than every other tool that trys to race me in it literally every time I drive it. ITS NOT FAST…doesn’t seem to matter to Camry’s, Jeeps, Chevy trucks, you name it…Ive raced it without even knowing.

Same sound I put up with the whole ride last year? lol If so… I know the sound you are talking about.

Correct, haven’t bothered to change it, its hilarious.

If the Nazi’s had this technology back in the day, they may have won the war. lol

I was 2 away, I couldn’t image Baker I think it was behind you. lol

Love it !!

Ok, looks like I’m out. I have a photo job to do. Would have liked to make this but timing is wonderful on my end. Found out this past weekend. lol I get the jump start on this event and end up having to miss it.