«OFFICIAL» NYSpeed Weekly Meet! Tuesdays: Food Truck Tues -> Cruise to Tea Leaf Cafe

You tried to steal mine. You can borrow it to see how you like it :wink: We will toss it on your car Monday. After driving your car I need more HP. Too many other projects in progress already though.

Hmm, looks like it’s time to start going to tea leaf :pedo1:

Does anyone go to this anymore? Or is it just dudebros on sport bikes

Regrettably, I think it is just biker boys (from all I have heard). I have not been to a meet yet this year…

I’ve been a few times actually. Can’t tonight though. I really wish I could make it to FTT :frowning:

Anyone going to Tea leaf tonight?

id go for a little bit. Round up johnavan. I wanna go v8 hunting!

@turbociv it’s his birthday I can only assume he is looking at nursing homes or something.

I will see if I can drag people out

What time?

Hahaha I just sent him a text. Time doesn’t matter to me. I’ll shoot you a pm with my number. We’ll figure it out

Looks like 7:30-8ish if anyone wants swing up

Bump…a few of us are going to TL for anyone interested.

Maybe next week. Training at the new job tonight.

When you head up shoot me a message. I always want to go but never check the forum enough and always miss it.

Will do mang!

@Beck may go, but he’s usually far too busy. :sigh:

LMK I’m not doing KCC shit hopefully.

Food truck tuesday starts up again next week.

In for next week :tup:

would you guys allow my stock mazda 3 this time? lol

I’ll have a booth for my business set up on May 12th, see y’all there!