Official NYSPEED Wii Friend codes

Jcuz made eva
crazy guy.

This Friday, the Opera browser is rumored to be available (beta) the final release is due march, and it is free

So akbar is fucking funny! Excellent job on that one!

Haha I just opened the Mii channel and got like 20 new Mii’s. It was most certainly a trap.

yeah minglor and jcuz have been on a tear lately. I donated 1 or 2

ya, I have 47 of them now…I need more

Will it blend!

The browser is availabble right now…

im at muh house posten frum my wii :bloated:

Odd I couldn’t get it to stay logged in. :frowning:

i wish i could proportion the screen size better so i do not have to zoom all the time, still neat and free

I ordered an S-video cable for the wii since composite is killing me and the component input on my tv is broken.

14.95 free shipping, I also emailed them and they said they will have some in next week

Will S-Video all you to run it in 480p?

Anyone go through batteries yet? my main controller seems to be almost dead. I wish they would come out with a rechargeable batttery pack.

I don’t think s video supports and progressive scanning :frowning: , my tv does not support it anyways, but will still clear up the picture noticeably

I just had to finally change my batteries, a rechargeable batter pack is coming out, but I just used some rechargeable batteries that I had for my digital camera(they paid themselves off already)

Thats not a bad deal at all, i think i have some cheaper rechargeables somewhere. Im gonna use them till the nintendo ones come out.

I’ve gone through 2 sets, one for each remote. Replaced those with rechargeables that i’ve recharged 3 times total, I think. 15 minute rechargeables >*

I need to get myself a Wii.

Indeed you do

Bump, someone had to get a wii post yo shit right huuur son!