Official "remove Kcuv's Sig" thread


so you 2 admit to being :gay:


Go murder some teenagers, Zodiac… :smiley:

Oh you have no idea how :gay2:


Go murder some teenagers, Zodiac… :smiley:


hmm think i might just to get the images you created in my head…out!





actually my method is more like this

thats it

Im calling the FBI

:answers phone: may i help you?

Hey… umm… is Desmond around? How about Viper and his cousin the White Rabbit? Let’s all get together and start!!

.org 4 L !!!

I’m kidding. But someone mentioned a point about the more restrictions the worst off the site is, and they’re right. If you disagree with a sticker someone has on their bumper, do you chase them down, have the police arrest them, and then have their peers vote on whether they can have that on their bumper?

I realize this is a “private” forum, in the sense that it is privately funded. So of course it’s not a true democracy. But to limit what people can say in their sig is kinda silly. Don’t want to see anything but posts? Turn sigs off. Done. Don’t like what someone says in a post? PM them about it. Posting about it and carrying on is usually done in an effort to call the person out, and hope 10 other people post “:word:” or “:i’mwithstupid:” and create a nice bandwagon effect. But what does that solve?

holy revived from the dead!!! Street Hackers RETURNS.bootleg!

Some cool people in here I know personally arguing about nothing.

We all need to sit down and drink some beers.

that sig is awful by the way, and congratulations for giving him the attention that he needed plus im sure someone can get more attention if they post a naked picture of someones mom



If it was an attractive broad however, i’d be fine with it.


every time i see his sig i think of tomb raider, and angelina jolie is a babe,

so make this ur sig?

WAIT! That killer was ignored and he needed attention…Kcuv wants attention…if we ignore him who’s to say he’s not gonna get upset and kill people. People laughed, made fun of, and said mean things to cho, so I think we might want to starting thinking…:ohnoes:


Can I just have my Sig rights back. I have been without them for like 6 months. PLEASE.


same here please… freedom of speech for the win

i am not personally offended…i don’t really have a right to be. i have no family or friends at VT. I think the sig is in extremely poor taste however. and more importantly, it’s just not funny.

gotta love the anonymity of the internet. suddenly everyone grows enormous balls.

throw some image on the web to cause a little stir with no real repercussion.
Why not try this…silkscreen that image on to a shirt and wear it outside every day that you have it on this forum? Let’s see how you like causing that stir.

nyspeed = wah wah wah. stop trying to make the interenet a serious place.


WAIT! That killer was ignored and he needed attention…Kcuv wants attention…if we ignore him who’s to say he’s not gonna get upset and kill people. People laughed, made fun of, and said mean things to cho, so I think we might want to starting thinking…:ohnoes:


he’s not asian. it’s fine.


nyspeed = wah wah wah. stop trying to make the interenet a serious place.


Doesn’t bother me.

MR Frank
Not sure who ya are,but ya might not want Mr Espo paying ya a visit.
Who on here has the brother that’s built like a little arnold as well?


Who on here has the brother that’s built like a little arnold as well?


micah’s brother is jacked