Official Reviews of Tokyo Drift*caution:read after watching*

wtf is with all these “OFFICIAL” threads lately? its OFFICIALLY ghey.

the movie was alright, i enjoyed it. Whoever wrote the dialogue should be strung up.

Best part of the movie was when a bunch of brown guys sitting behind us could not figure out what kind of car the RX7 was.

They finally decided on “some kind of Dodge”…


I already tried that.


Great movie with sweet cars [S15 :lol:], crazy drift scenes and sexy ladies. Did not however like the choice of main character, who is this guy? American accent was lame and for some reason I didn’t like him as the good guy, I actually wanted the bad guy (DK) to win the last drift race. The cameos were unexpected but well done, the real Dk- Keiichi Tsuchiya and Vin D. added another element to the movie. Not better than FF1 but much better than FF2. Where will FF4 rank? If he is in it (you know who) could be the best. IMO

LOL :lol:

i downloaded it and watched it last night.

i’m glad i didnt waste the 20$ taking the wifey to see it…I laughed my ass off almost straight thru the movie…i can only imagine how many idiots are going to be ebraking around corners for the rest of the summer now.

All in all the action scences rocked…everything else sucked.

I actually found that funny that they were fishing…

and funny that most of the people who watch it won’t know who they are.[/quote]
ahahah yeah, I actually laughed out loud when he said, “you call that drifting?” and everyone was looking at me weird, going what the hell is this guy laughing about. I love that FD, the Veilside NSX was in there for a few seconds too.


Yeah that was actually sooo cool to see Kei in the movie, it totally blew me away. :smiley:

Now as for the moive, overall I’d have to say I enjoyed it. I do agree the guys accent was dumb and sounded more like Forrest Gump :stuck_out_tongue: …drift Forrest drift…

The cars were cool, it was nice seeing some Skyline’s, S13’s, 180’s and what not. I wonder how much it cost to rent the Signal 180sx for those Touge slides through the mountain. The script was’nt to shabby acting was alright so yeah, I’ll add it to my collection when it comes out. It was great seeing Dom at the end, what a twist.

I’d give it 3.5 out of 5. :wink:

that swift srpings s15 is the shit.

I really liked the cinematography, much better than the first two. As for the driving shots, I prefer the way they pulled it off in the Initial D movie.

Oh and I tried to get a girls number by drifting around her car, but I smashed into it and they started freaking out, so I did a big burnout and left.

i pesonally really liekd the movie, i hope the fourth one will be out with more drifiing in it

i didn’t like the underground skirt girls, i don’t find them attractive…but those jap school girls…omg now thats japanese meat

anyone realize that rhys millen was in the plane with the main character?
and that evolution the dude was driving was the RMR car…rhys millen racing.
and i also noticed that the orange and black car was a FD…jsut by telling of the doors. anyways…good movie…definitly worth the DVD

anyone noticed the ROCKSTAR Silvia …droolz

yea stupid lil wannabe gangstar ricer kids sitting behind me couldnt figure out the veilside rx7 n nsx … “oh that is a s2000 widebody soo sick mang!.. oh szeennn! a yellow ferrari!” --" n wen dk kei-t was talking about hick heros drifting skills the wigger behind me was like “stfu old man… who are u to judge?!, keep fishing” … wow --

best part was when Keiichi Tsuchiya was on screen and i said “holy shit” out loud by accident and like 5 rows down from me some Asian guy was like “yeah its Tsuchiya!” every one else “shh” at use and told us to shut up …it was great

i didnt really like it, the car scenes were good but the story was so horrible that it made it such a chore to watch, and teh script was horendous, id rather pick up an old option, or drift tengoku dvd, but hey whatever, i really just couldnt wait for it to finish

Oh really? All along I thought that that Evo was the APR one, similar paint scheme, and wide body with APR wing and what not… I noticed RM in the plane too!

honestly i didnt mind this movie at all, infact I kinda really liked it, certain parts more than others of course. but dont get me wrong tehre were parts that really pissed me off.

like the people swarming the winning car and doing the OOOOO and BOOO bullshit and covering their mouths like the first movie. so gay. SO GAY

But then there was the good shit. That olds at the beggining on slicks. that was so gangster i fuckin loved that shit

Weaving through cars drifting is SICK. although the cars seemed to be only going 10-20km/h and slowing down abruptly when they needed to

I did and didnt like hwo they wrecked so many cars. Sure spinning out and hitting a few walls is one thing but they literally made a horrific accident out of every one of those guys throughout the movie. EVERY main character was in a horrific flipping rolling car crash. It makes me wonder if the police had some say in that part of the movie or if it was just the directors idea.

I liked the music

I loved how bow-wow was like the little bitch throughout the movie and how he got knocked hte fuck out by that asian dude

I liked the southern guy because he reminded me of me.

I loved that auzzie girl oh man that light accent. so amazing.

I thought the evo was a pile of wood and should have stayed in the forrest where it belongs (rallying)

And that first S15 was wayyy too high. what a pile.

I like how the dudes mom sucked cock so he didnt go to jail thats so funny. who thought of that shit

But the best by far

was keiichi chilling on the dock fishing while buddy was trying to learn. that was so amazing.

Oh and for the record, at one point in teh movie i found myself yelling “Run forrest run” at that shawn guy just cause hes so southern hick status

yea musiq is good… i dl’d the soundtrack

anyway notice that the hick hero never gota kiss ever from the heroine… actually the only lip locking in the movie was the lesbians. not that it really matters, meh… go figure… guess hes not getting laid