Official Reviews of Tokyo Drift*caution:read after watching*

Alright, I just saw the 10:00pm show at the Cineplex across from Square one. Well it wasn’t as ghey as you might think!

 There were a lot of sexy cars, quite a few 350's, I noticed two 240's (one of the signal drift twins), the Rotora S15, APR Evo(which upset me kind of because it is DEFINATLY not a drift machine in real life haha, its actually pretty underpowered, well in the Ultimate Street Car Comp at least). 

 Anyways some parts were definatly not realistic (by this I mean obvious CG in two or three scenes, and some that wouldn't happen in real life). That Hahn (spelling?) guy that takes him under his wing was cool, but when he dies that kind of sucked, poor Veilside FD  :( . I love how they put that RB26 into the Mustang, and how it pisses off all the domestic guys hahaha. That race with the Viper and the Olds (I think, correct if wrong) was kind of neat, but the fact that they escaped pretty much unscathed was unrealistic. Oh and the scene where him and that hot azz girl are drifting in the mountains while the roads are wet, and having a regular conversation was blatantly unrealistic too. 

 I LOVE how they had Keiichi Tsuchiya as the fisherman guy as the Hero (can't remember the first name, did they even say it in the movie?) was learning to drift and running into stuff, and Tsuchiya was like "you call that drifting!", that made me laugh out loud, all the wigger's were looking at me weird and saying "wtf is this guy laughing about, its some old asian guy." But the BEST part was when Ol' Vinny Diesel came in at the end, and the whole theater Errupted in applause, that was awsome, I think there is going to be a fourth with him in it!

 Also Little Bow Wow (just Bow wow now lol) wasn't as annoying in the movie as I though he was going to be, and I didn't hear the, "If you're not out of control, you're not in control." or the "The cars are light and the tires are slick." Lines in it, which made it better.

 I was surprised at the lack of the police right by the Theater, there was none to be seen, and I drove all the way from Hurontario and Lakshore to Hurontario and Mayfield Road, and I didn't see one cop (other than the ones parked at the Police Station on 10 lol)

 ANYWAYS, after that very long winded post, I will conclude with saying I enjoyed it, I would watch it again, and I am going to buy the DVD when it comes out (along with the First one seeing as I already have the second!)

I went to see it tonight. I set up a local car show of about 30 cars and it went really well.

I enjoyed the movie quite a bit actully, i thought i was gunna have it but loved it…

The ending was just awesome.

The plot was non existant… but who cares?

The cars and the driving were insane! MUCH better than the first two movies as far as actual car scenes go. Hardly any C.G. compared to the first two movies and they really did a good job by wrecking literally EVERY car in the film. It shows the dangers of drifting, not just the glory.

I was at scarborough town center watching it 2night…

3 civics and a jetta tried to do burn outs after the movie… .

still havne’t seen any 'drifting" accidents on the road… soo this might be a good sign

I enjoyed it. I didn’t find bow wow to be that annoying, probably because I was too annoyed with the lead guy’s accent. The car sequences I thought were quite good. Poor S15.

When I first saw that green thing that bow wow drives, i thought it was gonna be bad. Good thing that was the only dirty car in the movie.

The opening shit was just soooooo retarded, like everything up until he goes to Tokyoo was BS. The talking, the racing (x10000000 with that viper). “Oh how about the winner gets to fuck me” <— slut.

I also hated his heeeeeeehawwwwww i’m from the southhhhhhhhhh accent, it made me angry. But everything else was not bad, the chicks were hot.

I also really enjoyed the movie. This movie was full of cameo’s like wow. I caught Rhys Millin, Apex i USA president, Kei T, Vin Diesel, Kaila Yu, Aiko Tanaka, prolly more I’m forgeting or didn’t notice.

The plot wasn’t amazing but it was way better than the other 2. The cars were really nice. The penthouse soccer field got me really excited it was sooo beautiful. The drifting was cool too. Except there was way to much dirty driving going on.

And it showed more of the dangers side of drifitng. Like the main character, Shawn. He was somebody who knew his cars and even raced. But when he tries drifting he destroys the car right off the bat. And continually destroys cars until his montage.

That movie though didn’t make me wanna drift though. It did make me wanna paint and polish my car.

And for cops hassling there was none of that. That I saw. I went to an 720 showing at a low key movie theatre to avoid it but nothing happened. lol I was the only sport compact in the parking lot. But even later when out nothing happened. Even taught a girl to drive stick at like 1 in the morning and saw cops and they didn’t care.

going to be there at Scarborugh town to watch it around 10 ish pm. gotta do it after work. hope some 240’s will show up :smiley:

haha yea who saw the REAL drift king fishing.


Drifting is so cool! Can someone here teach me how to drift?

I liked the film it was corney and the guys american accent was just over the top but lots of nice looking cars and pleanty of action.

I actually found that funny that they were fishing…

and funny that most of the people who watch it won’t know who they are.

I really enjoyed it, the beginning was cheese though with that home improvement kid.

Everything after that was exciting, I was really into the movie, easily the best of the three, could it be because Paul Walker wasn’t in it? MAYBE.

-The music throughout the movie was great
-Non-stop action throughout the movie, I like the idea how it took him time and practise to learn how to drift, crashing a lot while learning.
-The Car selection was sweet
-The ending was amazing

Definately would go see it again, with no fags in the theatres.

ya it showed that its not easy to learn how to drift. and just because he is the main character, he doesn’t learn within 1 day. lots of nice cars and best of all, the nice girls. i actually loved the way it showed some of the japanese culture in it a bit, and loved the scenery of the mountains. the best part could have been when they had some touge drifting with 5 cars following each other, but they made it like a romantic scene which i thought was a waste.

in general, the movie was pretty good. they should have shown a good 1 min of some real drifting on the mountains. that would have hyped up the theatre for sure.

you shut your mouth!! hahaha

I’ll go see it again too, probably in a couple weeks when my car’s on the road so I can go street drifting when its over!!

ze joking

I just finished watching it, it wasn’t bad at all, wasn’t great, but definitely alot of action, sweet cars, and oh so sexy asian girls lol

I liked it …my fav part was the part in the mountains when he was talking with that girl…it dident last lon and theres no way someone is that calm when their drifting…lol…but still i liked the movie and not as fake as the last 1…

and i did kinda notice that they showed how much damage is done when you screw up and also what happens when you get hurt…i guess maybe show people what can happen to you…

anyways good movie ill by the dvd…

also loved that the real drift king was in it …that was great

i liked the scene where those 2 hot girls in the r33 and the rx7 picked them up doing donuts. i’m going to try that !!

not the best plot, but nice cars
its worth the watch =]