Official: Road Rally Run or Poker Run Thread

approx. when are you thinking about doing this?

at some point during the summer months

June, July, August, one of those months?

the hole point of these rallies is finding dhort cuts and stuff so you get have the route too dead set.

I will probly not be participating since I currently only have 2 pts left on my licensw again

Sounds fun :thumbup

Yea the points have to have multiple ways to get to them that way people can find quicker ways and win. If there is only one route you will have 10 retards doing 100+ trying to get there first

We could make a rule where a speeding ticket gets you disqualified

That would be a good one. All you need is a point at which you can get to from multiple routes. Its pretty straight forward just need to take the time to come up with the stops

True! Excepting new ideas on routes!

Need check points that are off of say the northway and route 9 where you could take back roads or take the highway. Obviously you would have to go farther in depth and plan out how far each route is ahead of time.Like taking 32 to toga from troy vs going down 787 to alt 7 to the northway

No road rally. I’ll get arrested.

Bah you are a pussy

Okay, tell me what you guys think of this.
I wanted to make sure there would be no questions about us being allowed / enough room for all the cars wherever we went so…

  1. John Boyd Thatcher State Park
  2. Central Park
  3. Saratoga Spa State Park
  4. Grafton Lake State Park
  5. John Boyd Thatcher State Park

It’s 3hrs 30mins according to Google maps.

I think I have an idea too. How about the route stays hidden until the day of the race. The day of, everyone gets directions on where to go. Makes it so you have to basically come up with it as of.

That’s an awesome idea…then no one has time to plan the short cuts and what not.


that or you get your next check point at each check point

The whole point I thought was to research and plan your route ahead?
If you do it the other way on the day of, only the people with GPS will know where the hell to go. :lol

Ok, well that would be gay. No one should be able to use GPS.
The real Bull Run on TV, no one has GPS, they have maps and get their next checkpoint each time they reach another check point.

You know people are going to cheat…

no GPS allowed.

only a road map and a navigator