road rally, Jan 2nd

Wondering if any one was going, I was think about signing up. I have done a few road rally’s before. I would be rocking the Daily TDI with winterforce snows.

anyone else going?

seems pretty cool.

I’m actually going to be on a train for this one. It’s the only one of the season I should be missing.

I’ll be there, working checkpoints this time since I’m navigatorless ^ ! Should be fun anyway :slight_smile:

ok ill look for you. Ill be in the red Jetta CF hood. I’ll be navigator in my own car lol
my cousin will be driving (flatblk on here)

Sweet, I’ll most likely be in the white CRX.

Navigators rock.

I wanna do this but my band is playing a show in Dunkirk that night and leaving for tour the next day.

is this one of those where you have to get to the checkpoint with in a certain time not to slow or to fast


But being that it should be in the snow, on gravel/ seasonal roads you will often find yourself pushing it a bit. (that’s the fun of a winter rally, summer rally’s are normally a more “safe” rally)

i wanna do this really bad…but all i have is my daily '94 awd svx. it could be worth it though…

I’m doing it in a 90hp FWD TDI jetta lol, just find a navigator. or a driver. and come have some fun (and remember pick some one you trust. and then listen to your navigator!)

if you have any questions about it either post here, PM me or MXS, or email the rally master. it pretty straight forward and ALOT of fun :slight_smile:

Yeah, it’s not about being fast, it’s about being right! But that’s not to say that the driving isn’t a challenge. Especially with the weather conditions we’ll have. They don’t make you bring a tow rope for nothing. :ohyeah:

Well, you guys convinced me…but now its trying to get the day off…i took sun/mon off earlier that week for a Chimaira concert in Cleveland. But im trying…

Are there going to be more after this one in this area? and if i miss this one can i do others? i have no idea as ive never seriously considered doing this…

you better get off of work im driving remember!

there will be others. but this is the only one officially scheduled at this point.

But i hope to see you at this one. :slight_smile:

im getting excited, here are some pics from old rallys that I have:
the car I nav’ed for that year:
This guy did it in a caddy you can do it in anything!:

Pic of my old rally car :frowning: (still have the KC daylighters there going on the TDI for the rally) :slight_smile:

looks like I may be navigating. woot

Ok, so reading that, the top part seems to be what this event is…

well, that TBH sounds boring lol. i wanna race, not pace myself…

is the ‘course’ challenging to where its still a little bit of a challenge to keep on time or what. I mean i still might do one before the end of the season, but i might not try to hard to get they day off to do it if, imo, its not gonna be that much fun…

I guarantee you will have a blast, the pace you need to keep especially in the snow will keep you on your toes. and if your navigator sucks or messes up AT ALL you need to make up ground you will find a NEW pace.

it really is a ton of fun, its not dunnville, but for winter activities its my fav.