OFFICIAL Shift518 Track Car

Big thanks to:
Jesse - For providing the car and the rental space.
DJ (Allstar Graphics)- For providing the graphics, they came out great.

JClark points :lol awesome!

Yes, we had the idea of putting the +10 on the front because if you’re in front of him, you earn some points lol.


I don’t even know what to say :excited

:lol :lol :rofl :rofl :ahh

I love it Clark!

hahahaha nice :crackup

:lol nice

The +10 J Clark points should be backwards though so when viewed in a rear view mirror it is normal.

The JClark points are badass :rofl

Thanks DJ, I roflcoptered pretty hard when I saw those.

OMG ur gay :mwahaha


that car equates to so much sex man

stickers look good too, not too over the top

You’ll be getting a good look at the back of it all Saturday. :nana

The main quarter panel ones (at least) have to come off after LRP to make room for some new sponsor lovin’.

:lol thats excellent! :lol

:rofl That’s awesome

ahaha that is great

Can’t wait to see this thing going around the track!

Hmm wonder if anyone will ask what jclark points are?

Props to jesse for letting shift518 rape his car

Props to DJ and Cossey

DJ, the stickers look great!

The points are priceless


the points have me almost peeing myself.