*Official* Shredd & Reagan Cruise Night Thread

maybe ill race once or twice next week but the wait in line just to get to the track is forever and a day

If you get their around 6-7 you only have to wait around 5 mins. to get a run in.


Thougth I saw you out there running.

yea the longest i waited yesterday was about 5 mins got like 3 runs in

As long as I got off I’ll run some foolz next week fa sho

pssshh, ill run you in my 7000 pound paper weight :rofl:

wanna do a fun run ?

well looks like i got 2 runs planned for next week :smiley:

yay it was my first time ever running at a track and i just couldnt get my launches right ive done a couple on the street with no bog but couldnt get it right last night my best time was a 9.6 i def think with a good launch i can do a lot better will be fun lets meet up at sg or something before next week!

Sounds like a good match as long as I can hook. We should get a bunch of people together for next week and cruise up. I’m gonna make sure I can get off from both jobs.

yea definatly little cruise there and what not…should be a good run if you hook and i launch with no bog!

Definitely. Is there a bigger improvement with your new mods and new clutch?

Nah that was some other dude running horrible times. Even with a slipping clutch and 5psi I would probably whoop him.

come vist me under the triumph tents next week I’ll be up there with the bucks motorsports trailor


i see the transformer was brought out, tigers and all. someone should just drive this thing into a wall with the hood like that just to pretend it was an accident.

Im in, lmk where we meet up and when we leave.

sweet my truck made it on rod and pistion

thats a sick pic thanks bro

yea its a little bit quicker now that i actually have tires and an alignment the old tires i raced you on looked like slicks haha intake exhaust dont add to much haha but im sure it will still be fun youll prolly run faster but eh o well. Hopefully within the next couple weeks i can get a tune done.