*Official* Shredd & Reagan Cruise Night Thread

that narrows it down LOL
shoulda stoped over, would have been nice to talk to someone inteligent

You guys gotta say hey so i can put some faces with names. I may be a grumpy old(er?) guy but i dont bite LOL

Meh, 1 less tard at the big party!

I waived to you on my way out down Gunville. (Old guy on the bike…lol)

she was filthy

Nice meeting you down there too, Butch. Sorry I didn’t stick around to chat long, stomach was being pretty insistant. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pauly, we saw your first gen - the wheels look very bad-ass on it, nice car. :tup:

Yea, that narrows it down. Aren’t most of them old?
There was a good size of RodandPiston.com and NYSpeed people up there. Always cool to meet up. :tup:

Good to see you again Tommy and Joe.

Got the Camaro home no problem. Another 69 and an Olds Cutlass followed me home. Was cool. Belt was loose again. Going to pull the pump and exchange it again. Want to get it right.

As for the models, the blonde with the 2 other girls… I’ll reserve my professional opinion


Thank You kind sir.

CamaroJoe professional bhaaaaahahahahahahaha

I sat in front of your car for about 5 minutes waiting to introduce myself, but then got interupted, next time ill say hi for sure. BTW, car looks nice.

Did anybody see what joes s10 ran?

ALSO I saw a drunk 60+ year old man fall down the hill by the track, he could barely make it up the 5 steps, I should have had my camera ready to watch him tumble. oh well

Thanks… I was in that area most of the night. Except if I went to hang out near my friends cars.

Those steps are nasty. I saw a guy going up with a cast on his leg and crutches. I’m suprised someone hasn’t face planted yet.

awesome turn out last night, i would have to say it was the biggest so far, we need some sort of nyspeed area so we can have a mini meet there

there was a huge brawl at 9 o clock

I saw some scrawny white dude talking shit to a group of people. I didn’t know who it was directed at though.

He kept yelling, “I whooped yer ass! Your car is a POS!” while running/walking hastily in the other direction.

Maybe the group caught up with him??? :gotme:

Yeah, by that time it seemed like everyone there was drunk. Anybody catch the Cuda VS GN race?

The announcer guy for the track talked to me for ten minutes or so, he was getting pretty buzzed :tspry:

ooo gn vs cuda

GN won, too, less than a tenth :tup:


Yeah I saw a bunch of people all start to gather in one area.
Didnt look to be anything exciting though.

Oh man, anyone see that Red Trans Am Completely mis shift into second and ran an 11… what a TOOL

edit: O there was a fight there too… I’m soo glad I don’t go to those events anymore…

Seriously…what a fag

caught that one… needs to learn how to drive a standard…