****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

It proves how smart he is just by looking at his sig. He may of forgot his car isn’t blue. Btw speedped. I’m pretty sure it would be better for you if you just never signed on ny again. And by the way I gave your mom std’s

i know who eric got the std’s from originally :lol:

^^^leave my mom outta this!

hahhahahhahahahah to cky and to ls1boy shut up hahhahah

im clean hahaha


Don’t hate on my american muscle.

:io: they’re both american. mine is sleeker. yours is bloaty. i win. shutup.

one of these nights mabe sat night ill mabe stop up, this way i can run some people, as long as im considered welcome and no one shoots me hehe

ul prob get shot

no worries ill bring the deuce deuce haha

I’m starting to wonder if this is ever going to go back to being about meeting at southgate again. The meets are already starting to dwindle down and suck. This thread is not helping that any.


That goes for everyone, not just speedped.

i drove up there 2nite around 10.30 no one was there =[ making me waste my gas

Hence why I’m angry. Nobody bothers showing up, because nobody bothers to post any useful info here anymore. Everyone just tries to tear you a new asshole(yes i know i did it too w/e) lets try to get this thread back on topic again guys.

Yep. I dont go because no one fucking statys on a fucking topic or some shit. IF you go let us know here but not fight and stuff. Grr

^^ :slight_smile:

:frowning: then tell speedped to stay in his trailer park. Don’t hate me cky this kid just sucks too bad and he talks about wasting gas. No one is going to waste their gas racing his pile o shit let alone want to see his white trash virgin face. <3

I don’t hate you, just the random people who came in here to talk shit, and have never came to SG lol

Lol and after everything why the hell would he say he is going to go there obviously shares his brain his dog has the other half

so what about soon a decent sg meet then a cruise or something!!