****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

ill be there

will be getting drunk tonight… sorry boys

i think ill be there, not sure tho…if i am i am…its been shitty lately wtf where is everyone

Ill roll out tonight…

The 4dr family will be there…

Where was everybody??

yeh theres was just the 4dr family, 540guy and me lol and antosh for a little bit

i was at kevs helping with his car till like 1am

[quote=“Big B,post:868,topic:29171"”]

i was at kevs helping with his car till like 1am


is it back in actionm then? form that long detail


is it back in actionm then? form that long detail


yes sir its alive!

lets all meet up tonight 10pm its nice out

lets get a good turnout

word, i should be there tonite

of course

ill stop

i was there at 10, and… nothing was going on :confused:

where is everyone?

couple more weeks and I’ll be in town. you tards better still be meeting there when I’m around. Oh, and I have the slowest car there.

I might even bring a pizza or two :wink:

Bill would remember that.


where is everyone?


i was behind you last week, in the silver jeep…the one you gave :tup: to after whipping the ass end out on boncroft lol

yea i didnt show up last night but with the way its been lately no one is ever there…wtf mang?

lol i always get a text from brian saying to go at 10 and he doesnt show up at ten lol