****Official: Southgate Meet Thread****

fuck southgate tonight people need to come to the party at my apartment :smiley:


lol i always get a text from brian saying to go at 10 and he doesnt show up at ten lol


lol i havent txt anyone to go there the last few weeks :snky:

if anyone wants to swing by my apartment we’re having a party.

whos 97_b18b1

anyone tonite?

i might be up later this week or next week with a new car :snky:

ill stop up tonight after duffs for a bit i guess

ya duffs then sg

if woody isn’t busy, maybe i’ll pick him up and stop by.

ya i was there and i hate racing people on the streets… fucking exhaust

anyone going tonite

Eh… i might go around 10…

ill head up there before some food

where the hell were you guys last night?


where the hell were you guys last night?


a few of us were there but when u rolled through everyone left to take a cruise

Everyone left because they heard you were coming Dan…god you suck.

[quote=“Big B,post:895,topic:29171"”]

a few of us were there but when u rolled through everyone left to take a cruise


no, night before last. there was no one there. empty at like 10:15. i saw a few cars there last night, but i was on my way to woody’s to do big things. lol at jay’s smart car.


Everyone left because they heard you were coming Dan…god you suck.


i swear to fucking god i’m coming to hybrid to punch you in the face tomorrow.


i swear to fucking god i’m coming to hybrid to punch you in the face tomorrow.


Just as long as you BRING MONEY!

im down to be there again tonite, i wanna get another cruise thing goin on…makes it more interesting and more fun…for example :lol: cavalier

havent been up there in awhile seeing as my car is an fbod and like most of the others supports jackstands rather than rims and tires. can anyone support a passenger on a cruise cuz i always take people when i run in the fbod.