Official WOW Thread

43rd Annual CARQUEST World of Wheels
February 6, 7, 8, 2004

David Lawrence Convention Center
1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

thats the info for the show, you have uuntil 15 days before the event to sign up.

I signed up already and used “PITTspeed” for the group name. If you want to sign up PM me first so I know for sure who will be there. I am also going to try to get a booth for the event.

Showing for PITTspeed


hmmm… might have to attend

Originally posted by SP71Supra
hmmm… might have to attend

:mad: $50 to enter my car… :rant:

I’ll have to think about this one…

Show cars :blah:


I’ll be there to look but both are my cars are laid up for the winter.

anyone else sign up?

50 bucks for how long? Who will be putting there car in?

Originally posted by SleeperGTP
50 bucks for how long? Who will be putting there car in?
$50? :confused:

Originally posted by SleeperGTP
50 bucks for how long? Who will be putting there car in?
whitey listed the people who are going under his first post.

who sent in their money already?

next week I am

r u guys getting a booth for the event still? i’ll be there on sunday, i’ll look for you guys. (pewterss and orangess)

                                                     later, Ronda

yep !!! we have a booth!

Originally posted by SleeperGTP
50 bucks for how long? Who will be putting there car in?
where the fuck you been???. im bringing full metal jacket so lee emery can autograph that bitch!

Originally posted by LS1 babe
r u guys getting a booth for the event still? i’ll be there on sunday, i’ll look for you guys. (pewterss and orangess)

                                                     later, Ronda </b>

Look for the Flamers. oops i mean flames :smiley:

Originally posted by BlkP42E
Look for the Flamers. oops i mean flames :smiley:


I can’t wait until WOW is over.

Originally posted by Black_WS6
I can’t wait until WOW is over.
why,may i ask sir?