Oh, Hai, I cut your head off v.crazy canucks

I’m so proud of you.

This is why people shouldn’t be allowed to have knives

edit: why the hell didn’t anyone help the kid? They all ran off the bus and left him in there while he got his Mellon cut off… f-ing crazy.


From the article Newman linked…

“His hand come out the door with the knife,” he said. “He went back on the bus and then they [passengers] brace the door and he come back standing in the doorway with the head, looked at them, dropped the head, went back and started cutting buddy back up.”

As night fell and police surrounded the bus, the suspect taunted police officers, Mr. Olmstead said.

“He comes up and he picks the head up and he’s waving it in the window. I just smoked a cigarette with this man [the victim] earlier, the head, and he’s shaking it back and forth at the window and it’s … intense right, it’s sickening.”



http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=108390479 victim

jesus… anyone else think the last post “PsychoBelts.com” posted was a little inappropriate?

oh god, wtf.

thanks for the heads up :tup:

i think this is inappropriate.

IS THAT MtM w/ a JOINT? It’s going n the 420 thread.

apparently his seatmate was not DOWN WITH THE CLOWN.


no faygo?

i posted this shit on another forum, and people are getting all types of butthurt.

Threatening to post my email, website, AIM, etc on the guys myspace for his friends to contact me, lol. this world is a bunch of fucking crybabies :tantrum:

i told them i’d send a friend request, but doubt it would get approved



omg lol

I heard he cut his head off because the guy had sent him a junk picture.

repost of post #5.

:fry: I didn’t read the full thread. I blame it mostly on :beer2: Thank you Christopher.

Here is the interview with the guy who witnessed it

NSFW- adds


umm… so now reports are saying that he was eating the guy afterwards… wow…


fucking chinese canadians… watch out for them