never a dull moment…

Kevin: if it isnt ketchup its taco bell sauce
Kevin: mother fuck


LOL update:

Kevin: WTF
Kevin: it wasnt in my pocket, i didnt rip it good enough and it squirted all goofy

i need a bib or something, its like im 3 years old all over again


such a child

would u like me to buy you one?

yeah with ernie and bert on it.


this one will even catch your food.


lol score! snacks for later

ohh hell yeah, can u see me wearing that?

i would be so hot, id have to snot it up and shit first to break it in.

(10:19:42 AM) kevin: mmm salami and
(10:19:44 AM) kevin: sand
(10:20:30 AM) Aaron: ur eating salami and sand?
(10:20:32 AM) Aaron: that doesnt sound good
(10:20:49 AM) Aaron: you will probably shit your pants if you eat that
(10:22:48 AM) kevin: ill just take it from my vag.

oh god im going to go smack him with a hammer


buickgn70: i love eating joey

i bet you do…FGGT

hahahah u know what i mean

the joey from moes

is he the “cute” one you’re always going on and on about?

im gunna brick ur xbox when u come over fag, then we will see :slight_smile:


figured this needs a bump…cause kevin is an idiot.

how was ur cupcake cookie breakfast today…fggt :stuck_out_tongue:

good i just flushed it down with some soup

now im going to shit it all out.

glad u asked.

lol i called kevin a couple nights ago

suddenly the phone cut out… i tried calling back and he didn’t answer.

the next day on MSN he told me that he dropped his phone in the pasta sauce he was making LOL