Atleast he didnt send you the thumbs up pic of him ON the Shitter.


i tried to find one just now to send. But i got rid of them

lol thats all i need, now hes got that in the back of his mind for another time…

wtf u actually had some?

Did you honestly think I was kidding

ohh man

I can always count on kevin for a large LOL during mid day.

Kevin: WTF i go to take a piss and when im washing my hands some idiot didnt wipe the sink and i leaned on it. Now it looks like i pissed my pants


Kevin: Yea really funny, now i cant get up

jesus, no more im you.



text i just got from kevin…

Kevin: Ugg, just ran into hot chicks at home, as my pants are hiked up to my tits. I must of looked sexy.

fag lol

hahah it was too good not to post. i was laughing so hard when i saw that text

Aaron says:
UGH DUDE…I just finished shittng…and went to open the stalll door…and I nailed my fucking head on the little clothes / whatever hanger on the door
Aaron says:
that fucking hurt


my head KILLS right now.

who the fuck puts one of those on the stall door. idiots

lol, people who know tards like you would hit it.

i heard someone say tits. thats why im here.???

Its for hanging suit coats or winter coats.

your kidding right?

With him Its hard to tell when hes being serious…Honestly.

with who?

ugh fggt