Ohhh Nooooeeesss!

Street racing fail. Found this pic on LS1Tech.com. These guys got caught ridin durty!

oooooh shiiit!


looks like the cameo was doing work on that vette tho.

oh wow, i got a bad feeling in my gut just looking at that pic lol. that sucksssss

Oof that sucks. Wonder who punched it first outta there…

I see one problem in this picture…Brake lights


Bingo! that poor crownvic ant gunna catch um… but the radio might.

Or the vette just has far superior brakes…:ninja

lmao yes! vette was obvy owning f-body. and that isnt a crown vic its an impala, even worse!!

obviously an impala.

just saying.

I honestly didnt even look that close… I glanced at it and notice it had blues on top… then posted a half assed post. :rofl

comeone I dont think I am really that much of a noob? :ninja

im curious as to what or who took that pic


They were probably filming over a bridge and they snapped a shot of the video.

Johawk, I also reccomend making your Photobucket private.


Dumpy ride

lol omg that picture is ownage.
Like Kramer said, got a bad feeling just looking at it

I hate that feeling right in your gut when you see things like that.

I had a MA state trooper jump infront of me on foot at 100 one time. SUCKED

Cruiser was the 1/4 marker.

ugh i hate that feeling, that SUUCKSS!

This thing looks alright