Oil Filter?

i need some help. i have a 98 sr20det. im looking for an oil filter. any of you guys with the same motor, can tell me when can i get this. or is there an equivalent filter? thanks …

go to nissan with this part # 15208-SR20T. The part # should be the same at all nissan dealerships (I could be wrong)


lol! wtf is that

It is a part # I just came across off another nissan parts dealership website. I dont remember if it is the same part # of the filter I got from the dealer here. Are the part #'s the same at all dealers?

s, r, and t do not make up any part of the Nissan parts numbering system.

sounds to me like it was an online reference number.

mrsynister, do a search and i’m sure you’ll find the right number.

hrrm, I stand corrected.

If you have an S14 SR20DET you can use a Z33 oil filter, same everything.

DO IT, do it now.

Use the damn SEARCH button. Thats what it’s there for.

Typing in sr20det oil filter I immediatly found the answer.

http://www.son240sx.ca/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2285 <-- very nice Sr20det swap guide btw

We don’t need the board cluttered up by useles posts because people are lazy.