Oil tumbles toward $50

Oil tumbles toward $50

Crude slips hits lowest level since May 2005 on surprisingly large 6.8 million barrel increase in stocks.

By David Ellis, CNNMoney.com staff writer
January 18 2007: 11:42 AM EST

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) – Oil prices tumbled towards $50 a barrel Thursday, falling to its lowest level since May 2005, after the government reported a sharp increase in crude inventories, which topped expectations.

U.S. light crude for February delivery fell $1.84 to $50.40 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, having traded as low as $50.05, the lowest level since late May of 2005, when crude prices slipped below the $50 mark.

this is just a post for me to bitch about gas still being $2.4x a gallon. The consumers are getting so fucked and nobody is making a stink about it so the gas stations will keep their prices up

yeah seriously WTF?!?!? why arent prices dropping just as dramatically as the barrel prices? some people are getting very rich right now

Alot of other states are dropping, NYS on the other hand. HA… thats a good laugh

christ i paid 2.44 at delta sonic.

Absolute bullshit.

I seen on the NBC national news last night that the reason its not dropping as fast as it spikes is because gas stations already bought gas weeks ago when it was higher, so they need to sell it to make money on that load.

I call it bs with places like delta sonic that is packed every second that its open.

There is about an 80 cent difference right now between reservation gas and the stuff you get on the corner in your neighborhood.

im sure the stations are trying to recover from when the prices jumped up from 20 to $.30 a day last summer.

don’t forget about NYS tax

Blame NYS for their retarded reformulated gasoline requirements.

they’re only retarded cause other states didnt adopt them and so pollution from PA or OH still drifts over here. If every other state did the same it would bring up the demand, put us on a level playing field, and the suppliers would be making all reformulated.

87 octane was $2.32 at the rez in Sanborn about 5 or 6 days ago. thats about 11 cents less than delta.

whoohoo. The only good thing about ohio so far, $2.18 a gallon for 93 octane. $1.95 a gallon for 87

It’s like $1.85 on the rez. And I use rez gas. Because I don’t care. And I love it.

I gotta get down to the rez soon. My shitty cars will run fine on anything. One of the only good things about living here is the cheap gas and smokes a short drive away.

Out by my father’s house gas is in the 1.70-1.80 range on the res. That is the reservation around Angola.

2.33 last night at Delta on Delaware, not sure what it is today as I’ve noticed it fluctuates almost bi-daily.

