OK JayS... (Spitzer Prostitution Scandal Inside)


Because you work for one you mean?

Come on Jay, Haggard was a Mega-Church preacher, he has EVERYTHING to do with politics. Just because he didn’t hold an official office, doesn’t mean anything.

He was an advisor to president Bush, too!!

What office did Haggard hold again? I couldn’t care less about what church he was a preacher at.

And just as I told Joe… THIS IS ABOUT SPITZER. I don’t care about any cases, democrat or republican, in the past. Spitzer has been caught. Not insinuation, not some whore making claims… caught on tape in an FBI wiretap in the middle of an ongoing investigation. Not having one of his staff set up his meetings to keep denability, but calling himself and negotiating what he has built up in whore credits. Have you even read the affidavit yet? It’s hilarious what this moron thought he was going to get away with.

thats the only reason hes admitting it. He got caught in the middle of an FBI sting, no way to deny it

pic of “escort”? anyone? bueller?


  1. Spitzer is a normal guy.
  2. His wife is probably some prudish menopausal bitch.
  3. FBI trying to keep a man down.

I wonder if they had a warrant to wiretap him or if he got Patriot Acted

So how do you think this’ll affect Hilary? :mamoru:

i hurd last night she was mad about the pic on the tv with her and him…b/c it will hurt her running… i hope it does

Doubt it was patriot act reading this:

Sounds like one of the reports I had to write for our credit union customers caught him. Either the “Suspicious Cash” report, or the “Velocity of Funds” report. Both of them use complicated formulas to red flag suspected illegal financial activity.

And just a little warning to the Law and Order lawyers out there, it has nothing to do with that mythical over $10000 number you hear referenced on TV.


Then, with the assistance of a confidential informant, a young woman who had worked previously as a prostitute for the Emperor’s Club V.I.P., the escort service that Mr. Spitzer was believed to be using, the investigators were able to get a judge to approve wiretaps on the cellphones of some of those suspected of involvement in the escort service.

So much for your warrentless wiretaps.

And BTW, this is the one that may really get Spitzer in trouble. His money laundering is much more serious than getting some from a hooker.

The investigators working out of the three-story office building, which faces Veterans Highway, typically review such reports, the officials said. But this was not typical: transactions by a governor who appeared to be trying to conceal the source, destination or purpose of the movement of thousands of dollars in cash, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The money ended up in the bank accounts of what appeared to be shell companies, corporations that essentially had no real business.

The transactions, officials said, suggested possible financial crimes — maybe bribery, political corruption, or something inappropriate involving campaign finance. Prostitution, they said, was the furthest thing from the minds of the investigators.

so how much is it? 500

so do they really think it was bribery…

edit: i was kidding about the bribery…



AND if cops shoot-to-kill he wants them chraged with murder.
Yeah this guy sounds great.:burnin:

AML is a bitch these days, I wouldn’t be surprised. Even in a non-cash handling analysis function I had to go through 16 hours of training and pass a cert test on the various reports and the like when getting hired into a major FI. You’d think he’d know the kind of scrutiny cash businesses and shell corps get, being attorney general and all :picard:
Big Brother really is watching you, if you use the banking system. A mattress full of cash is becoming more and more of a viable option again.

You sound like a cynical Republican.:wink:
Why do you think the economy is tanking?(See rich Republican mattresses):biglaugh:

Looks like the system works to me. He was trying to hide illegal activity he was paying for in cash, which the company he was paying was clearly not delcaring as taxable income, and the system caught both of them.

Sounds like a typical limousine liberal to me.:shrug:
he wants everyone else to pay taxes and follow govt restrictions but he is above that of course.

Are you off your meds again today? He got busted. He’s full of shit, which is what I’ve said since day 1. My comment about the system working was directed at Joe’s “Big Brother” comment that implied the banking regulations were a bad thing.

Calm down, I know, I know.
I just thought it was a good segway to the limousine liberal comment.:smiley:

AND the ironicness(aka irony) of this SCUMBAG getting nailed.