OK JayS... (Spitzer Prostitution Scandal Inside)

A former AG turned Gov who used shell companies… perfect :picard: material. C’mon Joe…

I didn’t say it was a bad thing, settle down there panama red. Not a huge fan of prosecuting victimless crimes, but that’s another issue for another time. AML is definitely a good thing overall. Plus more banking regulations = more responsibility and $ for me supporting the Reg Reporting team.

Wether or not it is a victimless crime is beyond the point… A crime is a crime. Regardless of your POV of it, it is still illegal.


He didnt resign yet did he?

I like the guy, but if he didn’t handle trying to get some extra ass in retarded fashion, we wouldn’t be here. If he takes the fall for his stupidity, I can’t dispute it. (Plus side, -1 superdelegate for hillary, haha)

I would append “if you are in public office…” to the “A crime is a crime…”

And I’d also like to append, “If you got elected to that office as the squeaky clean candidate who was going to restore ethics to NY government”.

It’s another case of people loving to see a hypocrite fall. This is where Joe and I agree that it’s like the anti-gay, pro family values Republican getting caught soliciting gay sex, or Al Gores billion mega watt mansion.

Spitzer shouldn’t be prosecuted any further or lessor then any other whore mongerer.

When he paid for her train ticket he crossed the line from “typical John” to “enticing, enabling prostitution”

Honestly, I think the feds are more upset about the way he moved his money around, across state lines even, than getting his whistle wet.

And WTF is up with this:

That’s Spitzer admitting he fucked up, and the Jersey governor admitting his gay affair last year. Is there an official store they all go to for their giant fuckup speech clothing needs?

So thats where the “involved in prostitution ring” comes from…



If not then why?

If it was a regular Joe, you know he would be in jail.


Did he resign yet?

How can he do his job from prison?
There seem to be many serious charges available to put him away.


if it were you or I, we would have been locked up immediately.


I rate this thread 5 diamonds !!!

[quote=JayS;865461]And WTF is up with this:

thats f’n awesome!^:hitit:

Few updates from CNN.com

ALBANY, New York (CNN) – Aides to New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer are holding transition meetings with the lieutenant governor’s office, a top legislative staffer said as calls for Spitzer’s resignation heated up Tuesday.

On Tuesday, a day after Spitzer apologized for a personal matter without elaborating, New York’s minority leader in the state Assembly issued a warning: Resign by Thursday or face potential impeachment.

A spokesman for state Assemblyman James Tedisco said that Tedisco plans to introduce articles of impeachment within 48 hours if Spitzer didn’t step down.

Tedisco, a Republican, called for Spitzer’s immediate resignation after prosecutors unsealed an affidavit detailing a rendezvous in a Washington hotel room last month. The affidavit refers only to “Client 9,” but a source with knowledge of the investigation told CNN on Monday that the reference was to Spitzer.

Tedisco said he was providing the two-day window because Spitzer “may be making decisions or negotiations with the law enforcement officials in relationship to the legal aspects of this.”

My bet is he doesn’t make it past midnight tonight.

I wish I could quote you as saying the same when Clinton got a BJ…
