ok, NOW I'm scared


Honestly the only reason I know my boss keeps me is because

A: I do what he asks
B: I show up to work on time everyday/ I stay till my work is done, I do shit when theres nothing else to do… If im going to be more than 5 minutes late I call him well in advanced
C: Im always learning more and more, im learning more about the buisness were involve in and the products we sell
D: Im always implementing something better to make life easier for the both of us…

He honestly doesnt need me there and could fire me and not need anyone else except himself, but he sees me as a usefull asset to the company, and untill I show disinterest im set for now, The CEO often bring me up to his office just to chat, the VP chats with me frequently and is good friends with a close friend of the family and someone who im very close with, so if im going to get fired, ill know well in advanced to it acctualy hapening… and honestly I dont think they will unless they go bankrupt