ok, NOW I'm scared

exactly, the word JOB and SECURITY just dont go together to me, i laugh to myself when i hear others dreaming outloud about jobs for life etc



certs are a joke IMO, i know a couple “geeks” who are serious idiots, i even know more than them and i didnt even grad fuckin hs (i guess it shows with my posts :D)

at the end of the day, i think you should do you…

going to work for a paycheck in trade for your hours of time building the future for your boss is just a waste IMO and idk how u can be motivated to do so, then again it beats unemployment !

small business ftw IMO i just hope i have the ambition to stay focussed, i def got the brain to suceed but thats hardly even half the battle when your 21 with your own shit

i hope you ******s can chillout with this economy thing tho, YOU yourself RIGHT NOW cannot do shit about it, so just chill out, stop complaining about shit liek gas prices and jobs that you have no control over, just live your life , and figure it out