ok, NOW I'm scared

Anyone i’ve known with certs never brings in the acctualy certifications, I have a couple cards in my wallet that I was issued but I do that just for whatever if someone asks me to see them if were talking about them etc…

If the employer wants to see them then they can ask me to fax a copy over, all my certifications and forms affilated with them go in a folder in a box on the highest shelf in my closet. Wear they will stay till moths eat them

You list the important certs on your resume and answer questions if they come up… I dont think your directing it towards me but im not an idiot massa, I may not have the experiane you do or know as much as you, but dont talk to me like im some retard who just went to school and thinks I know everything, most of the stuff I knwo goes from experiance and teaching it myself…

I know some programming, I choose not to do it as I think its boring as all hell, i cant sit their and write code. I know theres good money in it especialy when working for a company makeing propritary software… but to me its not worth being miserable