ok seriously WTF... i just lost my appetite

Does all that bran clear you out

^ ewwwww


count chocula’s bastard brother




oh and i just bought a box of trix on my way to work and they are still the shapes


trades considered?


as far as trix goes, i definitely like the round balls much better than the retarded shapes. i was so angry when they changed … like 8 years ago. lol

i only ate sugary cereals, just couldnt deal with the boringness of kix, regular cheerios,etc. best: cocoa puffs, lucky charms, count chocula, franken berry, cinnamon toast crunch, cookie crisp, frosted flakes… hell, pretty much anything with marshmallows and/or chocolate.

edit: except those fucking cocoa and fruity pebbles, those things are garbage. the bottom layer in the bowl always got soggy and you could never get them all on the spoon… TERRIBLE.


I NOW HATE YOU. for the record kevin716 i was sober


trades considered?


roflz…i ate 2 bowls of it already

Cap N Crunch… mmm


lol spelling> “u”
and you said fruitish :gay:.


Joe, and only Joe is allowed to do that!