OK, Wexford Starts This Friday....

WOW is all I can say…opening day was phenominal at least 500 cars…

yeah that was insane night there

sonny = shady bastard

so who else had to park in the dirt?

dirt lot = new lot?

i had to park in the dirt lot with gates in his supra and jay in his evo… At least 500? The count at 6:30 was over 2000. They announced it and also said that made The Starlite Cruise the biggest cruise on the east coast. 28th street bridge was a pretty good time also after the cruise.

yeah i saw you guys rollin in ,we were about 20 in front of you. 2000 thats just nut. and yes the Apple dumplings were worth the wait.

mmmi was alllllll about the food! haha. it was a great night there last night

Was it a silver Supra? I think I saw you parked two rows back in the upper dirt lot.

boardman is still 10x bigger and better

then move to ohio faggot. nobody likes you. go be with all your faggot friends in ohio.

Ya that was his.

Just quoting what they said on the loud speaker.

i like Shaggy


anyone going tomorrow?

Wish I could. The crapmaster brake system went out again. Switching to vacuum brakes next week, waiting on some parts.

i will be there

debating on it but didn’t get my gyro last week they were sold out.

A gyro does sound good…if the weather is nice Im sure Ill swing by.

x2. Mmmm Gyro…

we’ll be there!