Ok, Who's hurting today?

I didint go out. damn. I saw no titties cept the intronet kind.

yesssss :tspry:

you dont even have to buy the internet drinks, either :smiley:

Oh yeah wooot. lol. I would have gone out but I worked till 9 and didint know what was goin on. that and I’m penny pinching right now.

its so great that i dont get hangovers EVAR…we will see in 3 weeks though on st pattys

I rarely do… only when I mix… my biggest problem was just waking up drunk… I’m doing ok now that I’d had some food, and liquids other than alcohol…

Actually getting ready to head to Holiday and do some snowboarding…

I went to be at 9…and I still feel sick

Did you drink beer while playing F.E.A.R.?

(awesome, I got sweet rhymes :headbang: )

Me+night of driniking+handful of advil+shitload of water+wednesday off work= feeling great!!