How's everyone feeling this AM? Anyone else hurting?

Ok… so it’s St-Patty’s weekend… I can’t be the only one feeling rough who drag their ass to work this morning?

So how was everyone’s St-Patty’s weekend? I know I’m hurting like hell… haven’t pulled a 3-day game of Drink in a long ass time.

pub crawl on saturday knocked me out

woke up yacking on sunday

My gf went with her sister and sisters boyfriend along with some other friends to the parade. I got some message that she’s drunk and can’t see straight. I asked if she wanted a lift home from her sisters as I did not make the parade due to someone wanting to look at a car of mine. I fell asleep at 930 and she still isn’t home, still isn’t answering her cell. I bet her head is splitting.

Feeling better after not doing anything yeaterday. Sat. is the annual party, and that is painful enough to cover the whole weekend.

For me:

Friday night - Got wasted while spring cleaning my house

Saturday day - Drinking while moving the last of my Ex-Wife’s shit out

Saturday night - Out with people from WEDG (Bull and Kristine (one of the promotion directors)) and a bunch of other people in the limo for Edge hockey night; then back to Kristines and got wasted in the hot tub.

Sunday - Bus DT… got WASTED… Got home around 7pm and passed out hardcore till my alarm went off this am.

This weekend is like the 420 for drunks

I went to dinner with my 95 year old great grandma yesterday? :shrug: She was born in Ireland and came here @ 16. That’s about as Irish as I got.

Already have one coworker who called in sick today.

my st pattys was lame… my weekend was spent hungover… im going to lay low on my alcohol intake for a bit now.

I ran the marathon from thursday to sunday. After getting a full 9 hours of sleep I feel MUCH better.

ugh i was out til 3am friday, i got 4 hours of sleep then drove for 6 hours somewheres, saturday i started drinking at like 10pm, drank til 7am then spent the rest of the day sleeping lol

Hah, drinking is for suckers.

Sorry… some of us don’t like Heroin or Meth like you do… LOL!

I feel great! Felt great this am too. Ha.

it’s not cool to be irish.

drinking sucks.

Feel great today. But I may have drank too much fri and sat and just worked on my car Sunday

Drinking is good for you and so is being irish.

slept thru all of st pattys day:(


he slept through the future!