So uh, Happy St Patty's Day

:slight_smile: I was so excited I couldnt fall asleep. St Patty’s is like an alcoholic’s Christmas! Woo Hoo cant wait to open all my presents :beer:

Ok back to sleep. :smiley:

Happy St pattys everybody :slight_smile:


I’m drunk before all of youi bitches

not drunk but buzzed

i gave up my dinner to get a buzz off a couple shots


my mom thinks I’m stupid

my mom yelled at me for my tattoo

and i’m like F U you’re 800mi away

<— told his mom to DIAF



i was at brennans counting down the timer till paddys day aka everyon wants to be a mick fsyday


i :heart: being irish

ohhh man im getting soooooooooooooo hammered tonight!


we happy patty’s day!!! a day with name…woot :smile:

i’m starting drinking in about an hour

i might have a couple labatts lol

Save some energy for the Parade Sunday too

Parades are boring. Maybe I should run through one the opposite way with a shamrock shake.

I gotta work late :frowning: :tdown: but after that, kiss my coherentness good bye :smiley:

<— irish checking in :smiley:

whoop. cant wait till i get outta work today!

I celebrated at the nudies :tup:

and doing some more celebrating tonight :tup::tup:

and some more saturday night downtown :tup::tup::tup:

The stpatties day parade is always entertaining for various reasons:beer2: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

lol for all the years I’ve been down to the parade, I cant say that I’ve ever seen it :smiley: (or atleast, not that I remember)