hangover roll call

who is drinking gatorade today?

I’m drinking lots of water…and apple juice …I think it starting to work…so how come you walked ???

bud long necks

today sucks

Coffee. Lots of coffee. And a big bag of Doritos.

jjust left jeffs stopped at getgo for hatorade

I didn’t have a hangover…but I’ll sound off never the less.

Not much of a hang over, but today is turning into a long one.

x2 im tired as fuck…

i’m hung over and didn’t even go to the party :frowning:

i am hung over, my brushburns hurt, i’m tired, and I still got a long day a head of me!

i love drinking

^^ Brushburns? Or shouldnt I of asked that question?

i dont really get hangovers but had one today, didnt make it to the party but celebrated for you all anyway! (any excuse to drink on a weekday)


shouldnt have done that rumplemintz

hahaha, drive home was funny with ur drunk ass

Red headed sluts own me haahhaha My stomach is upset today…was worth it though!

i didnt get drunk


no hang over… just really tired.
3 kids in the morning and then work after 4 hours of sleep… SUCKS!

i didn’t get drunk either, i only had 5 beers though, and left around 10:30pm. It was cool meeting some people last night…it was a good time

yeah i got there late and didnt stay long…but it helps to drink gatorade and or water before u go to bed