hangover roll call

Hangovers are for the weak

I never said i didn’t get drunk… I was really drunk. I have no clue why I don’t have a hang over. I really should.

Morning flight to Philly w hangover FTL!

did u bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb the cooter?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

same here, i only had about three beers, the rest were pepsi’s. wife was hammered though

ya, i had 3 captin and cokes, and ya she was…hahaha

at least we have hangovers from the party, but you wouldn’t know because you didn’t show up

hangover cure?? :yum:


i was afraid u would try to touch me in inapropriate places:op:

I was not hammered… I was drunk… not the same thing


I Was not…

haha, ok, soo u were not “hammered” but u were def def drunk

next time ill pull a cheeks, and get smashed and make him drive my ass home, altough it was fun being sober watching everybody drunk and listening to cheeks on the way home

My brain was stuck to the side of my head up until around 4 PM… Called off work which is a win. Then I’m at Domination while the air chisel is running, which is a loss.

I think brain took care of all the innapropriate touching

But brians hotter than joo!:idb:

you would have had to call off for atleast a week if you had been dancing with my wife 1 minute more, i was getting ready to come over when jeff saved her.

:bsflag: Aall u have to do is kick in the ankle:D

me? try it fool. :wtcslap:

i feel great today!