Oktoberfest v. ellicotville

After reading all of this I’m sooooo glad I decided to stay home.

from the sounds of what im hearing im def never going to check this out. i dont like the 5$ covers 5$ beers and 8 million hammered fags falling all over the place. sounds way too expensive and that it would take a year to get a drink there.

ill pass on that

Jaeger and I use to go back in the day. I think my days are done going to that mess. It’s nothing but a bunch of drunk tools looking for fights.

And how the hell did you get a public urination ticket? I use to whip my dong out and piss right in the beer tent, hell I was even doing that at the Hamburg Oktoberfest. Look before you piss and you will be fine…

Went with a friend of mine. Her and I left early and thought it was a waste of time.

At least I can say I’ve been there… wooptie doo

i was kinda bummed we didnt head out… then i read this thread… looks like i didnt miss anything.

my friend goes “yo lets hang hose”
As soon as i got it out i had some girl sheriff puting her hand on my back saying “come with me”

as they were escorting us back to the RV to write us tickets I guess I Was like.

“hey, i;m gonna go now back to the bar, i don’t really want to go with you guys any more”
thats when shesaid
“sir where do u think you are going, what dont you understand, you are under arrest now don’t make me put you in cuffs”
in which i responded with a sexual innuendo.