Oktoberfest v. ellicotville

anyone go last night?

I took a limo down there with a bunch of friends, killed off a bottle of rupplemintz onthe way down.
Missed the limo on the way home.
Woke up missing my sweater, wallet (with a lot of cash in there)

have a big cut on my leg…and a public urination ticket.
and no recollection of what happened.


i went.

:snky: DWI checkpoint on the 219 on the way home.

Sounds like you had a fun time.

Its far from sneaky…It’s there every year, in the same place. In fact, the building that is right there they use as a processing center for DWI’s each year…

I hope you pissed on some canadian.

Nope, oktoberfest at my apartment complex, had catered food and a bartender with open bar :tup:

How’s your cornhole?

it was mobbed today. My cousins went up the chairlift, spent time in pumpkinville… all in all, wasted a lot of money on kids that aren’t mine and had a good time

:word: that’s probably where the empty bottle of rumplemintz went.

rumpleminze? mmmmmm so good <3

Didnt make it this year.

it sucked. it was chippewa on steroids. i was expecting something different.

I went on a private wine tour lol… glad i didnt waste my time on this…


would not go again

ok, so im not the only one that thought this sucked. good.

i was expecting it to be packed. but i thought the average age would be like 30, not 20. and i didnt expect it to be spring break meets chippewa meets a bills tailgate meets a carnival/circus. i was expecting to be able to get quality beers and have a solid drunken time, and it just didnt happen. too much chippewa drama, puke in the streets, and trashy drunk skeezers everywhere.

i don’t like how the bars really take advantage of the event. $5 beers, $5 covers almost everywhere…
It’s like hotels doubling prices when the superbowl is in town…while it’s a great business move, it’s just wrong.

meh we all payed it any ways…it’s once a year watcha goona do

hop over the fence in the back of the bar :wink:

Got invited, I turned it down. I’ll be out there next weekend at my buddy’s cabin and EBC with no crowds, little drama, and good beer while watching a Sabres game.

Really wanted to go to this, too, kinda glad I didn’t. You guys aren’t the only ones that apparently thought this really sucked hard. Eh, Cie est la vie. If anyone’s heading down next weekend, lemme know.

i was there everyday … :gotme: there was a dumb amt of people there this year