he also said chinamen, lol.
im pretty sure he punched many zipperheads in the past.
he also said chinamen, lol.
im pretty sure he punched many zipperheads in the past.
This vid owns but it’d be over the top for the old guy to came back in the bus and get his bag back after they stole it…
I hope he didn’t have anything important in it…
I really do not entirely know what to make of this. If the black guy started it, then this video is awesome and he had what was coming to him. But the beginning is not very clear of who started it. It almost seems like he asked the guy to shine his shoes (which is a slap in the face to anyone regardless of race) , but then he says “you offered”, so I really have no clue how this started and would like a clean cut back story.
“call an ambelamps, I need an ambelampse” aaaahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa!!!That dude got fucked up!!!
FF to 1:48 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8sRaPX8tyw
i think the black guy was talking while the old man boarded.
white guys made mistake and beat someones ass.
still awesome
Old Zangief v Dee Jay
Love what the bench says at the end.
Also, /b/ has run with this and found the woman and asked her to give the guys bag back. They also dubbed him Epic Beard Man.
hooooolllyy shit hahahahahah!!!
“We got that on video. We can press charges.” The American way.
whooped!!! more people need to do this, fucking trash ass punk bitch!