Old school computer technology, while growing up.

SEGA CHANNEL on Adelphia.

That was the shit.

Word. I remember loading Blackjack onto a TRS-80 with a straight-up tape player. Took 15 minutes, you’d play 3 hands, and it’d crash. :gay3:

Our first computer was a Packard Bell with windows 95.

We had AOL.

Does anyone remember “Punting” people offline, printer bombs and such?

They’d get that WAOL…this program has performed an illegal operation and needs to close shit. Just one of the AOL chat room exploits, those were fun

Computers and the Internet are just a fad, it will never catch on.

remember when you had to re-format a computer and it invovled isntalling dos, and installing CD-ROM drivers so that you could boot up a Windows 95 disc?

Yeah, that sucked.

Or having to exit Windows 3.1 back to DOS so you could safely shut off the computer.


I didn’t even know I was supposed to do that for SOOOO long

The turbo button was the shit.


I guess it makes sense that my latest computer is from China because my first computer was from China.


You know the Chinese company is stealing all of your manufacturing specs off of it, right? WAKE UP PEOPLE


Juat? I only use my netbook for surfing?

put it in the microwave just to be safe

I do shut it off when not using and store it in a lead lockbox.:tinfoilhat:

wouldn’t the water ruin the electronics?

It is the the wetbook netbook. :slight_smile:

I remember back in the day, I’d have arguments with a kid in 4th or 5th grade about which one was better, Prodigy or America Online. My dad had the cnace to buy stock in AOL back then, but didn’t. We went on a family vacation instead. OOPS.

I went with my dad to pick up our first computer, a HUGE Packard Bell. We also got a Laser printer, and he’d always yell at me about using too much toner (I liked to print out pictures of the night ski - mostly black). When we got it, the guy had to open it up first and look it over, while wearing one of those anti-static wrist band things.

Carmen Sandiego and Oregon Trail were my favorite games, as was Kings Quest.

I remeber there was a program you could load up called Chrysillus. It basically re-skinned 3.1 so it had a taskbar and shit like 95.

I remember upgrading Os’s and computers like once every two years.


or the good old days of opening programs in DOS. Anyone remember the FIRST two duke nukems?

Rescue Raiders

Apple IIe

Those were fun days. Back then if you knew how to use a PC people were like wow. DOS is still the best way to compute you have to know the code.

