Old School WWF Guys

WWE is coming to hsbc on the 14th of this month lol


as I was excited and had to make this to see if I could make anyones day


The Hart Foundation was the shit.

It was called 3D. They used to destroy people in the ECW days at the Burt Flickinger Center. I wanna go to the WWE event this month just for the hell of it.

lol yep that was it. lol thanks. sick fucking move, and they did kick a lot of ass

Someone find the “ITS STILL REAL TO ME, DAMMIT!” clip.

Have you ever watched the videos on youtube that show how they make themselves bleed and shit…

here we go.

A good portion of wrestling fans are characters, to say the least. (Simpering redneck idiots, to say the most)
I just picture Ron Burgundy, “Maybe, stop talking for a while, Champ. Sit the next couple plays out.”

How could we forget?




Haha the Vader Bomb

is this butterbean? the boxer?

The turn of the century was the best period of in WWF imho

Remember the Adorable Adrian Adonis.
He was from Buffalo. I remember the local news all over the story when he died. (wow, he died in 88)

From his Wiki. What a way to die:
Adonis was killed on July 4, 1988 in Lewisporte, Newfoundland and Labrador while riding in a minivan with fellow wrestlers William “Mike Kelly” Arko, Victor “Pat Kelly” Arko, and Dave “Wildman” McKigney. Adonis, McKigney, and Pat Kelly were killed when the driver, Mike Kelly, allegedly swerved in order to avoid hitting a moose and, blinded by the setting sun, inadvertedly drove into a lake. Mike Kelly survived, albeit with severe leg injuries

So in a minivan with other wrestlers, swerving to miss a moose in Canada, blinded by the sun, and driving into a lake. Can it get much worse than that? hehe


end thread.

if you dont know who this is get the fuck out of the thread…


i dont… No great wrestlers have ben black should we know who that is? No thats wasnt racist but truthfully there hasnt been any great black champs

I was also at Kmart and got the Bushwackers autograph and they licked my head, my all time favorite was the old blonde STING!!! And Flyin Brian(rip)

shawn micheals FTW!!!


Does anyone on here still watch wrestling? If so is it any good? I always wonder if it’s worth it to try and watch again.