wrestling thread

ive seen just about every sport mentioned in prior threads so ill start a wrestling thread.( yes i know wrestling isnt real).

what has happen to wrestling? there isnt a story line anymore and every match has someone else interfere with the match. ive seen everything from doink the clown to a bunch of clowns that are supposed to be male cheerleaders(homo’s). will there be another hulk hogan and ric flair or is wrestling done?

wrestling now is family friendly porn with girly men fighting

ECW from 1991-1999 was some good stuff. Used to go watch at the ice garden. Saw Sabu jump into the crowd and beat the shit out of a spectater

i watched wwf (wwe) for a bit…that was in like 01. tried to watch it again last year and it was pretty lame

wrestling is gay


:bluez28: x2

someday your mommy and daddy will tell you that shit is fake, then whatcha you gonna do brother?

i put that in at the beginning of this post.:asshole

But it doesn’t seem as though you believe it:stick:

i will be at wrestlemania this year in detroit. I don’t follow it at all but my buddy thinks its cool so I got he big events. I definitely have a good as time when I go. Get all drunk and talk shit on stuff I am clueless on. Its a blast!

i like wwe.i even watch tna.for all of u that dont know tna its on thursday at 9pm

For some reason, I can just see you typing/saying that in a Hulk Hogan voice, especially with the “brother” at the end :rofl:

i met him(tom vito) and few others once before, and i’m pretty sure he sorta sounds like him in real life. that deep hoarse sounding voice.

tom vito sounds more like king kong bundy than hogan. and with some curly hair would be dusty rhodes. they have the same shape. round.

was he the one with the deep hoarse voice? or the other guy

Have you ever seen me without a hat???

Don’t make me break out the bionic elbow…

im the one with the hat on backwards and was sick so i probbly had the hoarse voice. tom is the fat driver of the truck with blondish hair and jessie was the fat one that was on the passenger side and and bought the other 400.i bought the one marked good.

i may be thinking of jesse, kinda sounded like macho man, or maybe i’m thinking of someone else. that was along time ago. lol

You know the best part about wrestling now a days?

there isn’t any midgets getting bounced on by king kong bundy…